What a delight. I found this Menier Chocolate Factory production a delight. The theatre was perfect for this production, with a smaller stage favouring a simpler set, and a great view from my seat in the central stalls. The show was deliciously camp, over the top in just the right places, and featuring one of the greatest musical scores. The humour was well done, and there was a real, and seemingly genuine, connection with the audience - unusual for a West End production.
Simon Burke (Georges) - who I'd previously seen in The Sound of Music - was excellent, particularly in one of the show's big numbers (and my favourite) Song on the Sand.
Special mention has to go out to John Barrowman however, playing Albin. I'm not his biggest fan, but I do think this was a role he was destined to play. He has terrific stage presence, his delivery is not too precious and his singing voice is great - better live than any of the recordings I've heard.
All in all, one of the best London shows I've seen for a while. I may even go back.
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