29 October 2007

Disposable fashion

I read somewhere that Primark is now the undisputed king of 'disposable fashion'. I hadn't heard that term before, but it made me think. Have we become such slaves to fashion that we're prepared to use up the planet's resources, as well as risk a child labour crisis in the developing world where these clothes are usually made, simply in pursuit of fashion. Of course, such excesses have always been around, but in the past they have been restricted to the rich. Now everyone can do it and nobody seems to care.

When I was being brought up, we were taught to look after our things and make them last. To this day, that's an attitude I can't shed and I still feel bad about throwing things away (or sending them to the charity shop) because they've gone out of style, rather then because they've worn out. That probably makes me a loser, but I feel better knowing that I'm not perpetuating mass excess.

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