18 January 2008

Facebook - it's not real!

I came across this post from The Eychild today whilst I was thinking again about why I'm uncomfortable with Facebook. Facebook is superficial. And it serves only to re-kindle relationships with people I hadn't seen or heard from for years. Of course, there's likely a good reason why those relationships fizzled out in the first place. So, even though I've now re-newed contact with all these 'friends' it hasn't resulted in any real relationship with any of them, let alone facilitated a real friend interaction - like a drink down the pub!

Also, MySpace is not dead - it seems to still have traction with the kids.

This illustrates a real risk for those trying to get social networking going inside an organisation. How do we avoid it descending into superficiality and failing to deliver real value? Perhaps one thing we should do is stop talking about "Facebook Inside" but start talking about creating a place where people can share experiences, insight and information on their projects. If we create Facebook inside we'll have failed.

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