31 July 2008
PC World customer service stinks

30 July 2008
28 July 2008
A lucky escape

Pointless signs

24 July 2008

I think this will have to change. Commenting on corporate stories; external views on the same stories; even the ordinary people providing their own interpretation of a news story are all going to be legitimate content on internal company news sites. All of that content will need to be aggregated around the story itself, not be consigned to a series of contributor-based ghettos, as it forms the context for the conversations which are so important. Conversations are a component of engagement. Corporate voices are not.
Great Capital Run

The Participation Gap

A couple of observations though. Firstly, despite living a highly ‘blended’ life, I use Facebook almost exclusively for non-work related things. I think that’s been driven by a couple of factors – the fact that any work-related stuff would be open to my entire network, which would be inappropriate, and secondly that very few of my work colleagues have connected with me on Facebook, possibly because they themselves only use it for personal things. Clearly this is (potentially) a flaw in my blending theory which I need to think about some more. My second observation, is that not all my friends and contacts use Facebook, or any other kind of social networking site for that matter. Which means my Facebook activity only represents part of my life network. Some of those missing are from a different generation, but many are not. They simply have different priorities and a different mindset. Whatever the reason, they are missing. This is the participation gap.
18 July 2008
Tiger on Track

The permeable firewall

I commented that the permeable firewall will not be a technology application in future, it’ll be the way organise these things in our heads. Commentators keep going on about work life balance. Business people keep saying a good work life balance is healthier both for the individual and for the business. And as I’ve posted before, these things are driving an increasingly blended existence. Different tools to do the same things in a blended world makes no sense. I predict most people will use a single tool to interact with those networks. Twitter is a good early example in the micro blogging space. I only use Twitter, but I am selective as to which of my networks I tweet to. Sometimes it’s everyone, mostly it’s a sub network. I know it’s a question of what we’re comfortable with, but our comfort zone is heavily influenced by the rules and behavioural norms set by the culture of the organisation we affiliate to and so on. Those things are changing. They are being changed by technology. They are being changed by the new generations arriving in the workplace. We are changing them.
It’s going to be a challenge. And there’s going to be conflict. Security and firewall people won’t like it. Power brokers won’t like it. But it’s going to happen.
17 July 2008
Track Day

16 July 2008
The Last Shadow Puppets - The Age of the Understatement

14 July 2008
Tiger Update