21 November 2010

Friday Night Ride to the Coast 2010

So, that was 2010. My induction into the world of FNRttC-ing.

I came to cycling late having decided four or five years ago that my aging body was beginning to rebel against the running I'd rediscovered after several years as a couch potato. I've tasted several bike-based activities since then. Sportives, big charity events, commuting, club rides, long solo weekend rides. I even did the CTC Tri-Vet this year (Yes, I am that old, unfortunately). But nothing compares to the satisfaction and feel-good factor you get from a FNRttC.

My inaugural FNRttC was Southend in the spring. It was slow, wet and incident filled. Far from putting me off, the bug had bitten. And with three other newbies (including DeckertTim), I also completed the SMRbtH. In fact, of the four of us on that ride, only one has not returned. [I should also add here that I have a 100% record when it comes to the SMRbtH]

The Graveney Marshes dash; the mist rolling over the hedgerows on Lonesome Lane; a flint path; and those moments when I find myself alone with the silence and my inner-most thoughts (steady!) are all lifelong memories. But it’s the people. The selflessness. The camaraderie. The encouragement. The organisation. The humour. The determination. That’s what makes these rides truly memorable. They are indeed a “romance and an adventure”.

So, to Simon and all of you I’ve met, thank you. Have a great break and see you in 2011, if not before.

If you fancy coming along in 2011, you can find details on the FNRttC blog.

09 November 2010

London to Brighton Veteran Car Chase

Sunday was a great day. Together with a group of friends I cycled to Brighton in amongst the participants on the annual London to Brighton Veteran Car Run. The run is open to cars built before 1905 (I think), and over 500 cars made the journey south. The weather was splendid, there was a huge turnout of spectators, and everyone was smiling.

Fish and chips on the seafront was followed by the cycle home with five other hardy riders, and I arrived home tired, happy and with 120 miles on the clock.

A great day.

You can see highlights on YouTube
(Thanks to Andy for the video link)