The journey home was more of a challenge. I returned via Lewis and the Ashdown Forest eventually arriving at the foot of the North Downs wondering how I would make it up the hill. Normally I would go via Ide Hill, but this time I opted for the quieter Toys Hill. That was a mistake as it was longer and steeper! I made it however, leaving only Polhill and a final 9km downhill stretch to home. For the last two hours if the ride, my feet were hurting - I was wearing road cleats which have no give in the sole whatsoever to ensure maximum power goes to the pedals. Next time I'll change the pedals and try it with MTB cleats which have a slight give, and which have the extra benefit of not making you walk like a stiff penguin! My legs were very tired and I was making full use of the gearing - as even small hills started to be difficult.
It was a very hot day, but I made sure I was drinking constantly. I took the opportunity to try out some of the so-called sports hydration drinks. I tried Gatorade, Powerade and Lucozade Sport. Powerade (made by Coca Cola) had added sweeteners and sugar, as did Lucozade, which meant they didn't sit so well in my stomach. However, Gatorade was much better, having no added sugars (natural or otherwise), and it tasted much less sickly. This will be my choice from now on.
I arrived home 11 and a half hours after leaving, but moving time was only eight hours 22 minutes. The difference accounts for traffic lights, an hour for breakfast people watching in Brighton Marina, pee-breaks, and two or three short snack breaks to admire the views.
My legs were a little achy in the evening, and my backside was a little tender, but this morning nothing hurts and, although tired, I feel I would be perfectly able to go out for a long ride again.
You can find details of the ride on the Garmin site.