23 April 2008
19 April 2008
More twitterings
I've been thinking some more about Twitter now I’ve started to use it. I’ve been amused to see a few ‘tweets’ suggesting the blogosphere is irrelevant now, and Twitter is the only place to be. I wonder if that’s indicative of an early adopter pattern? I blogged some time ago about a possible social media herd mentality. You know, Friendsreunited, then MySpace, Facebook, and now Twitter. Perhaps I was wrong about the human herd. Maybe early adopters are a different species altogether and move to fresh pastures as soon as they see the herd moving in? If that is the case that would be a shame as it implies they are only ever having a conversation amongst themselves. Hmm.
Feeling down...

Most of my team works remotely and flexibly. Sometimes it can be weeks before I see someone in person I work with regularly. Also, over the past year quite a few new people joined the team as part of a re-organisation. They also work remotely. So we’re now quite a big team, but we hardly ever see each other. When we were small, we all knew each other well and there was an intimate atmosphere. That intimacy sustained us when we were remote. I think over the past year we’ve lost that.
One of the things I’m going to do is encourage everyone to join up to Twitter – and have created a closed user group for that purpose. Although most of the team work in the technology space, we’re not all early adopters so it’ll be really interesting to see what happens. The danger is that a few take to the technology and get really well connected – better connected than now, but others don’t get on with it all and become even more remote from the group and end up being almost outsiders. I’ll have to make sure that doesn’t happen.
The other thing is to make sure that we use these social tools to facilitate face to face interactions, not replace them. I think that’s another key thing that has been missing over the past year.
I’ll let you know how it goes.
18 April 2008
Lines, lines and more lines (and traffic lights)

And don’t get me going on traffic lights. I even spotted a sign the other day warning me there were traffic lights 11 yards ahead. That’s right ELEVEN yards ahead. The warning sign was so close to the traffic lights themselves that it blocked my view of the lights. Crazy.
17 April 2008
Blending again
Yet more blending

04 April 2008
Why does everything bleep?

Is it a sign of aging that I long for simpler times and simpler things?
Connect me to someone who knows